Monday, 9 January 2012


Hello dear readers, how are we all?

So as regulars may have realised it has been forever since my last post. I apologise for this but I was a little light on inspiration and I detest publishing 'filler posts' about garbage just to keep with regularity. So there it is, my apology.

I will move on to say Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing festive period and partied it up appropriately to see in 2012. I'd like to thank you all for your support and for stopping by over 2011, it was a great year. As I am slightly too late for my usual yearly round-up I am just going to move back into regular posts as I am rested, relaxed and full of fresh inspiration for the year. I have also decided to post a lot more about things I love. There will of course be the obligatory blogger outfit posts but I will also be posting more loves, likes and all in between.

First up, Prada SS12 shoes.
I simply have no words, they are borderline mental which is exactly why I love them. I think this year should be about more mental shoes.

Images via

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Coco xx