Thursday, 12 January 2012

Vogue Japan: Keeping the faith


This soot for Vogue Japan 2012 shot by Carlyne Cere De Dudzeele and styled by Sissy Vian is incredible. I love the styling, the hair, the lighting, the make-up...ok I basically love the lot. As anyone with a fashion eye can tell, about three tonnes of Versace has been used here whether it's current, vintage or their collection for H&M. Emilio Pucci and Balmain also feature amongst others. It's rather reminiscent of the PPQ SS12 show which I also fell in love with back in September.

I'm off to buy some ridiculous hair dye...

I'm also rather fond of the name of the story because it reminds me of the Jovi, who after 16 years, I'm still obsessed with.


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Please let me know your thoughts, I love to hear your comments.

Coco xx